Resultados: 3

    Recomendaciones sobre el diagnóstico y manejo de la enfermedad pleural y pulmonar por asbesto

    Arch. bronconeumol; 53 (8), 2017
    Asbesto, también conocido en España como amianto, es el término utilizado para nombrar a un conjunto de silicatos minerales que suelen romperse en fibras. Su uso ha comportado la aparición de numerosas enfermedades, especialmente pleuropulmonares, todas ellas caracterizadas por su prolongada latencia...

    Iodine thyroid blocking: guidelines for use in planning and responding to radiological and nuclear emergencies

    The technical guidance provided in these guidelines aims to support public health preparedness for radiation emergencies in Member States, as required by the International Health Regulations (IHR). It is confined to planning and implementation of ITB before and during a radiation emergency. These guideli...

    WHO guidelines on protecting workers from potential risks of manufactured nanomaterials

    The term nanomaterials refers to materials that have at least one dimension (height, width or length) that is smaller than 100 nanometres (10−7 metre), which is about the size of a virus particle. This particular size dimension represents a major characteristic of manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs). The...